
four brown desks inside room

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Fall 2019, Spring-Winter 2021: LING 1100 Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to Linguistics is a general introduction to linguistic concepts that are important for understanding the nature of language and its function for communication. Topics include languages as structured systems; the systematicity of language change; the classification of languages into families and their geographical distribution; language, the brain, and language disorders; the acquisition of language; and human versus animal communication.

Winter 2018 - Winter 2019: LING 1104 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis: Phonology

Introduction to Linguistic Analysis: Phonology is an introduction of the sounds in human languages. Basic empirical and theoretical issues in phonology are demonstrated through the analysis of data selected from English and other languages. Theoretical concepts surveyed include phonological features and contrasts and syllable structure. These are examined through the study of allophony, allomorphy, and processes such as assimilation and neutralization.

2015-2017 Various Courses (Teaching Assistant)